Andrea Jones

Pre-K Coordinator

I was born in the small town of Mitchell, South Dakota with my twin brother (I was born 3 hours and 20 minutes before him!) By the time I took my first steps we lived in Colorado where I’ve remained. Unfortunately, my childhood was not graced with a Christian home or a church going family, however, God always had me in His grips and His plans would prove differently as I entered adulthood. God brought my loving husband, Darrin, into my life in 2006 while we were still in high school, we got engaged in 2014 and married in 2016. When we started our relationship, we decided we wanted to build our marriage and family with God first in our hearts, so we found a church and gave our lives to Christ. He blessed us with two beautiful daughters that I get the honor of homeschooling. I have served as a volunteer in Women’s and Children’s Ministries at a couple of churches for a little over 4 years. God has graciously created a new path for me that is allowing me to use the creative, compassionate, empathetic, innovative, loving, and helping skills He has wonderfully made me with in starting this new position at Crossroads.

You’ll find me around the halls of Crossroads singing, laughing, and offering a helping hand. I love working with kids, seeing their growing minds learn and the excitement in their face as they get to know Jesus! I’m so thankful to be a part of what God is doing here at Crossroads and hope to help newcomers feel comfortable in this loving community.

Spending time with my family including our family fur babies Chip; a Golden Pyrenees and Pookah; a DSH cat, traveling, reading, crafting and organizing are endeavors you can expect of me while not at my home away from home, Crossroads.