NextGen Director and Young Adults Pastor

John grew up in a military family that loved God and others as their family mission. John has one older brother and two younger sisters. After graduating high school, John developed successful careers in personal finance and business management. Through some devastating events, John turned to the only one who could hold his brokenness and in the midst of bestowing comfort, God told him to leave everything on the East Coast to go to Bible College in Colorado. While at Bible College, John met his best friend, Jessa, and they were married in June of 2015. Through their love for Christ, their marriage declares that no one is too broken for God to redeem and that it is possible to not only be restored to joy, but live life fully in the center of who God has created you to be.

In 2016, John was awarded a BA in Pastoral Ministries and is presently pursing an MA in Apologetics and Ethics at Denver Seminary with aspirations to get his PhD. John has a passion to teach/preach about the intricacies of transcending cultural and social barriers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and currently serves as a ministry resident with Student Ministries at Crossroads.

In 2017, John and Jessa began developing BridgeHope, an organization specializing in utilizing technology to collaborate resources for survivors of human trafficking. As God continues to expand the vision for their organization, John and Jessa anticipate getting to train communities nationwide on the realities of human trafficking as well as partner internationally with organizations that exist to bring support to survivors.