AVL Team Lead

I was born and raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Kean University in Union, NJ, and my master’s degree from the University of Denver. I worked as a software engineer at four aerospace companies. My last engineering position was at Raytheon Systems Company in Aurora.

In 1998, a few years after moving to Colorado, I married my amazing husband, Scott, who has been the rock and strength of our family. I was called to leave my engineering career in 2003 to raise and homeschool my beautiful, only daughter, Maria Rose. Our little family has grown and now includes Joey, our little Blue Quaker Parrot, Olivia and Oliver, our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Bella and Bear, our Colorado Mountain Dogs.

My introduction to Worship arts started through my daughter, Maria, who was part of the Youth Group worship team. I began to volunteer my time with their tech team by learning how to run sound from their audio mixer for the band. Over the years, this grew into running sound, slides and lights for the main services, youth groups, camps, young adults, and women’s ministries. It has been a blessing and honor to serve in these ministries where I’ve had the opportunity to learn a great deal about the technical aspects of church.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing my Spanish guitar. I love to listen to music, go out for dinner and a movie with Scott, spend time with my sweet friends, working out and doing Christian yoga, and reading inspiring Bible studies that help me learn more about my God. I’m still figuring out how to navigate through my new transition in life of being an empty nester. I know God has some interesting plans for me.