Men’s Discipleship Director and Associate Care Pastor

I have often shared that as I look back over my Christian walk, I recognize that my life has been most significantly impacted through the lives of other men – strong and committed brothers, walking with each other, trying to live out Proverbs 27:17 ; “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” The opportunity to serve as the Men’s Discipleship Director is really the fulfillment of both a dream and a call. I am extremely passionate for other men to have the same experience that I have had.

I served 31 years in the Air Force and finished my career as a Chief Master Sergeant. I have a bachelor’s degree in Business/HR, a master’s degree in Adult Education and Training and am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Biblical and Theological Studies at Denver Seminary. I have been married to Jill for 35 years and have two grown daughters, two sons-in-law, and four granddaughters. Jill and I both enjoy hiking, car shows/racing, and driving through the beautiful Colorado countryside listening to country music.