Facilities Associate

I was raised in Cedar Falls, Iowa and grew up in a blended family, the 2nd  youngest of 9 kids. Faith was a part of my heritage, but I didn’t come to a faith of my own until my early twenties. I grew up working on farms and after high school joined the military, serving in West Germany. After my military service I worked as a long haul truck driver, pipe-fitter and hog hauler.

I moved to Denver in 1992 to join my brother, painting houses. I met my amazing wife, Sharon, in Denver and we have 5 adult children, 2 daughter-in-laws and a grand-daughter.

In 2000 I started my own company, Front Range Integrity Painting. After 23 years, I determined it was time to step into a new season and joined the Facilities Team at Crossroads Community Church.